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Category Archive: Commercial Litigation

  • How Do You Prove Wrongful Termination?

    Wrongful termination means a person gets fired in a way that violates their rights or the law. Sometimes, it can be difficult to identify when wrongful termination occurs, and it can be even more challenging to prove it. The success or failure of a wrongful termination case often hinges on the ability of the former employee to prove that the reason the employer stated for firing them is fabricated, and the right lawyer can help with this. 

    At-Will Employment

    Every state except Montana allows employers to fire at-will employees any time read more
  • Dissolving a Business Partnership

    Is your business “marriage” heading for divorce over a dispute? If so, you’ll want to start by examining your original partnership agreement and then consult with your tax professional and an experienced business lawyer. Talk to your professional legal team before you do anything, as we can best handle the situation in accordance with New Jersey law and your best future interests. 

    Is Dissolution the Right Move at This Time?

    Just like real divorces, timing can be an important factor. To determine if now is an ideal time for a split read more

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